30-Day Free Returns. If you aren’t delighted with your purchase most new, unopened product can be returned within 30 days for a full refund. In order to process your return please visit our contact page to submit your return inquiry and a customer service member will contact you with a return authorization which is needed to process your return.

All refunds are applied to the original form of payment. Upon receipt we will notify you via email. You can expect to be credited within 5-10 business days. The return credit should be reflected on your statement within one or two billing periods, depending on your financial institution’s billing cycle.

We refund the full value of the returned items, unless otherwise noted.
We do not refund shipping and handling fees*
*In the case of returns due to defective products or an incorrect order please submit an inquiry to find out if you are eligible for return shipping compensation.
If you have a return please visit our contact page to submit your return inquiry and a customer service member will contact you promptly.